Pop Quiz Hot Shot!!!
In light of recent events, I decided to watch a film in Dennis Hopper's honour. I decided on Speed, because it has one of his more entertaining roles, he plays an over the top villain somewhere in between the likes of Frank Booth from Blue Velvet and the bald guy with an eye patch from Waterworld.
"I saw this movie about a bus that had to speed around a city, keeping its speed over fifty, and if its speed dropped, it would explode! I think it was called 'The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down'." - Homer Simpson
That pretty much sums up this film, but to go a bit more in depth...
A disgruntled ex cop takes his issues out on other people with the creative use of bombs. Keanu Reeves saves the day by stopping an elevator bombing scare. This pisses Dennis Hopper off so much that he devises a new plan of putting a bomb on a bus. If the bus goes below 50, the bomb will go off. Can Keanu save the day?
And will we ever see a movie like this again? There is something about this film that makes it special. The action blockbuster that ignited the careers of both Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves. The film does not require a strong leading man, just someone who is able to pull off these stunts. Reeves is able to make it look legit and even though people complain about his acting, he is in no way irritating. Bullock spends most of the film behind the wheel of the bus, so of course she falls in love with the guy. Wait, what? Ah, who cares, right? This kind of stuff always happened in the 90's. Girl falls in love with the good looking guy who saves the day. But those relationships never last (evidence in the lame sequel)
Dennis Hopper is one bad ass guy. He plays crazy so well, his role here is not Blue Velvet Frank Booth crazy, but cray nonetheless. The film is even more enjoyable due to the supporting cast of characters that are on the bus with the two stars. Jeff Daniels plays the buddy cop part, but due to the events in the opening of the film, has to stay at home for the exciting parts on the bus.
With the exception of the bus jumping the gap in the highway scene, which makes me roll my eyes every single time, the film is entertaining and will keep your interest. For a film to take place on a bus for 80% of the film, they did a really good job of not letting that annoy the audience. The film is the perfect formula for action junkies. It has a lot of those adrenaline rush scenes. For me it kind of looses it's steam when the film goes to the subway, but that doesn't ruin the overall excitement and feel of the film.
Speed is one of the best action films of the 90's. There, I said it. I can probably sit down and watch it and never really feel bored. Kudos for making the film watchable many times and still have that rush. A lot of action films on repeat viewings loose that.
R.I.P Dennis Hopper
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