Underrated Hitchcock.
After watching Shadow of a Doubt, I decided to give this film another try. It's still an odd one to me, it's not as memorable as his other films are, nor is it mentioned as one of his better films. Yet, I find that it should be. It has it's fair share of problems, but I really enjoyed it and think it is underrated. I guess when you have a resume as full and influential as Hitchcock, his other films that just seem to be good and not brilliant are left aside.
As a thriller, I feel it fails to really get me on the edge of my seat or engaged with the lead character who is running around the States. The climax of the film feels like a missed opportunity to really amp up the tension. The sound design is almost non existent. You can hear their dialogue and a bit of the environment around them, but the important things are missing, the stitches ripping apart from the sleeve, the need of music to amp of the tension, all missing. Intentional no doubt, yet it lacks the emotional punch one would want from such a scene. Then it ends abruptly leaving you empty inside.
The film doesn't feel like it should feel either, they are almost globe trotting from place to place, yet it feels more confined. The script itself is very average and seems to go about the more obtuse ways to get the plot moving. Yet, looking back at it all, I was still entertained and found that there are memorable scenes that pop into my head. I tend to like the film more in hindsight than I did while I was watching it.
The performances are there, but nothing amazing. Everyone plays their parts to scripted words on the page. The relationship between the two leads is weak and needed more work. The one stand out is Otto Kruger, who has that rich, ego, evil persona down pat.
In the end, I wanted more from this one. I understand it's one of Hitchcock's least exciting films, but I did have a good time watching it. I can recommend it, just not enthusiastically. Again, he has too many 'classics' to choose from. If you want to go the road less traveled, this one is for you.
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