The saga is complete...hopefully.
The final Star Wars film to hit theatres (or at least we thought). The one that showed us the fall of the Jedi, the rise of the Empire and the creation of Darth Vader. It had a lot to deliver, people had high expectations, even after two lackluster and disappointing films before it. Revenge of the Sith is the best of the prequels, but just how much does that say about the films in general?
Revenge of the Sith has the best visual effects, the best story and the best acting of the three films. It has the most emotion, the more impressive fight sequences and a lot more connection with the original trilogy than the others. That's not to say that the film has some pretty cringe worthy moments. The introduction of the useless character General Grievous was a waste of time. His four lightsaber dual was not exciting in the least. Vader's Frankenstein like scream and movements after hearing the about the death of Padme is more humourous than anything.
Anakin and Obi-Wan's final fight is impressive and the most emotionally fueled battle any of the prequels have, it lived up to the expectations of those waiting to see the two duke it out. It's interesting to see Episode I play delightfully to the kids and then have Episode III be so dark and brooding.
Sith has it's problems, it far from perfect. Yet finally it's assets outweigh the problems. Christensen is still wooden, but this time he shows that he has some bit of emotion in him. The role called for something he couldn't really deliver, but here he tries more than ever. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith delivers to the fans.
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