Giant spiders eating people? It has to be fun right?
Eight Legged Freaks, how I wanted to like you so much more than I did. I wanted to have a good fun b-horror movie time, yet I was left with a film that doesn't really know what it wants to be. You have a poor lead actor and comedic scenes that fall flat. I thought an attack from giant spiders would be more entertaining than this.
For a movie down right that involves a town overrun by some kind of monster see Slither. It was funny, well directed and had Nathan Fillion. David Arquette needs to stick to supporting roles. He doesn't have the comedic timing, nor the charisma to lead a film like this. The supporting characters need to be more characteristic. The town sheriff was as close as this film got.
I suppose if you go into this film simply wanting people to get attacked by spiders then you'll like it. I don't really know what I wanted out of it, I just know that I didn't really get anything from it. It had some elements rights, but the whole package left me feeling empty inside. I was never cheering, never laughing or seeming to care about what happens to people.
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