What is the very worst night you ever had...?
If I had to pick one director that is my all time favourite, it would have to be Mr. Martin Scorsese.
An ordinary guy has the worst night of his life after he agrees to meet up with a girl he met at a coffee shop. Thing go from bad to worse as the night goes on.
Even though Scorsese is my favourite director, I have my doubts about some of his films. Not everyone is perfect. I had my doubts about this film, I wasn't sure I would like it. To be fair though, I had no idea what it was about. It was one of those, judge a book by its cover situations. So here is a life lesson for the young ones out there, I'm sure you've never heard this one before. "Never judge a book by it's cover".
When you have a film resume like Scorsese does, its easy for a film such as this to get lost in the mix. When you have films like Taxi Driver, Goodfellas and his Oscar winning film The Departed, it's hard to stand out. So I take an appreciation to the little films he does that are in my opinion just as strong as his other work, but never seem to get the recognition. I really dig Bringing Out The Dead and After Hours is another film that surprised me quite a bit.
There is an old saying for writing a script. You want to take your character, make him climb a tree and while he is up there, throw rocks at him. Eventually you let him down. This is suppose to be like a story, the character sees a challenge, tries to overcome it, sees conflict and eventually the falling action is resolved. With After Hours, Scorsese keeps our character up in that tree and continues to throw rocks at him no matter what.
I really like the New York feel this film has, even if it is outdated today. The streets act as characters themselves. Settings in Scorsese films tend to do that, look at his latest flick Shutter Island. After Hours has our main character, who is kind of a jerk at times, suck in tough situations, that only get worse as the night goes on. I kept thinking to myself, what would I do in that situation.
For a film with no action, it is pretty suspenseful. The whole film is the reaction of characters to certain things. Most of it is negativity towards our character. Not only does this film stand as one of Scorsese's most underrated films, I'd say it's underrated in general. I never hear anyone talk about it and when I mention it to someone, they just seem to have a blank look on their face. After Hours should and needs to be seen by more people. It's an entertaining movie from a master filmmaker.
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