Meet your ancestors.
It seems odd to break up two Ramis films with the dry Panic Room and such a polarizing film like From Beyond, but that's what this is all about. Any movie, any day, any genre.
Here we have Year One, the pairing of Jack Black and Michael Cera. An odd choice for sure, but they do end up complimenting each other's comedy style. Once one of them gets banished from their tribe, the two of them go on a journey through our biblical history. Their journey involves rescuing the women they love and their tribe from the city of Sodom.
So the whole pitch behind this film was to have today's style of comedy, which is the dead-pan, let's point out the obvious, talk to ourselves, modern humour to an ancient historical film. It will be hilarious, someone thought. ?Having Jack Black run around, doing his physical funny stuff he does and someone else, someone who is currently hot and in with the popular crowd. That kid from Superbad, Michael Cera.
As a comedy film, the movie stinks. It's script tries for some pretty basic laughs and the only ones you'll get are from the two actors trying their best to save this deadweight material. The intrusion of these two into biblical history is funny once, but overdone later on. The relationship they seem to have with the women they love is typical they fall in love for no reason fare.
The laughs are few and far between and only from two people who try their hardest to get some humour from a humourless script. Ramis direction is sub-par and nothing stands out. It's hard to watch a film like groundhog day and love it so much, then see something like this from the same guy.
The cameos are expected and some are lame. We don't need to see McLovin'. His inclusion in this film is only because he was McLovin'. I thought Year One was funny the first time I saw the trailer. I should have stuck with that one trailer and skipped the film. Two comedians can only hold up a film for so long before it falls from underneath them. They need the material to further the comedy, this had nothing.
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