Humans are such easy prey.
Scientist create a device that stimulates the pineal gland, making it possible to see these abnormal creatures living among us and interact with them. These creatures are vicious and will most likely bite your head off, like Combs says in the film "like a gingerbread man."
This cheesy and campy flick was gross and surprisingly fun. The plot is ridiculous and the events that happen are even more so, yet you are there cheering it all on. Jeffery Combs, the creepiest bastard alive, is the lead scientist. He's famous for the role of Dr. Herbert West in another Gordon flick, Re-Animator.
The first experiment goes wrong, obviously and the boss unfortunately gets his head bitten off, Combs he is thrown in an institution. They think he is schizophrenic, but one woman wants to hear his case. She believes him and along with Ken Foree (shout out to my boy) go back to the house to confront this machine and the monsters it brings out.
Of course she gets sucked in by the perverse power of it all and flips the switch back on numerous times. Resulting in a scene in which she is almost raped by this half man half creature while Combs is in the basement getting eating alive, only to be saved by Foree. His head is in this creatures mouth and when he is saved, his hair is all gone. Okay, I'll roll with it.
As I mentioned earlier this is a Stuart Gordon film, his horror style is present here at all times. The perverse sexuality, the violence, the comedy, everything fits this film nicely. The special effects in this film take you back to the days before computer generated images. It feels real, looks fake and is 100% disgusting. Perfect for this type of film.
This film is not for everyone, it's a genre piece. Most Gordon films have a dedicated audience, you know you'll like it or not. It doesn't go out of it's way to explore this realm of reality that these creatures live in. It's a drawback because they could have gotten really creative with some of the images and story structure.
This is a horror film that doesn't have many jump scares that try and scare people. The film is more grotesque and in your face. It wants you to feel uncomfortable, not scared. It wants you reaching for the barf bag. Sometimes it works, sometimes it unfortunately doesn't. It does blend the genres of sci/fi and horror rather well and will most likely get you talking. The only problem is getting into a conversation with someone else who has seen it.
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